Wednesday 20 April 2016

JD SIR PH :9038874753 entered the field of human training many years ago. In the course of his journey as a human trainer, he has left behind many milestones.

Today, people trained by him are performing so well that ever their seniors and directors are surprised. By participating in his motivation programmes people have achieved what they initially considered to be impossible.

JD SIR is such a motivational trainer that people feel they are a part of his family. JD SIR begins his training programmes with this premise only. He calls upon the participants to build a family that would never disintegrate. Each member should work towards making this family a formidable entity.

JD SIR has inspired many companies, commercial organizations, educational institutions and others that have gone on to attain enviable heights. He is always busy delivering lecture in India and abroad

He is expertise in Management, Motivational & Motivation, Inspirational & Inspiration, Leadership skills, Personality Development, Personality Grooming, Keynote Speaker, Business strategy & Development, Corporate Trainer, 

Team Building Activities

"Not finance. Not strategy. Not technology. It is teamwork that remains the ultimate competitive advantage, both because it is so powerful and so rare" - Patrick Lencioni
While most leaders appreciate the above truth, the hunt for this "elusive elixir" of Team work, is by far one of painful difficulty. "I don't know how to create it, but I definitely know it when I see it". Sometimes when one is too close to the action, the perspective is clouded. By the deft use of experiential learning combined with the power of play artificial barriers are often brought down and the inherent wisdom of the team rises to the fore.

We constantly aspire to reinvent ourselves and our work & offer unique solutions with added value to our clients in each intervention


We respect individual capabilities, strengths & opinions and promote consideration of feelings, needs & individual sensitivities. Constructive feedback, honouring commitments & collaborating on different viewpoints are our major imperatives to establish this value


We take full responsibility & commit strong partnerships with all our clients through loyalty, honesty & complete reliability. We follow solution oriented approach & keep the best interests of our clients in mind.


We promote a culture of openness & sharing within the organization as well as in our dealings with clients by sharing our successes, & challenges. Relevant information is shared with all stakeholders & harmonious relationships are fostered.


We always strive to push ourselves to deliver the best results in agreed timelines. We seek growth through new opportunities, innovative projects & stimulating experiences.